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Manual Lathes

We found 1 matching ad. Now displaying the final ad.

Ad # 16093
Ad # 16093 General Purpose Lathe 15in. to 23in. swing
Year = — Capacity = 16 x 36"
Make = Lodge & Shipley State = Florida
Model = 16/20 Condition = Good
  Price = 7500.00
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Manual Milling Machines

We found 6 matching ads. Now displaying the remaining 6 ads.

Ad # 16107
Ad # 16107 Manual Mill, Parts and Accessories
Year = — Capacity = slotting / broachine head
Make = cincinnati State = Florida
Model = slotting head Condition = Good
  Price = sold
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Ad # 16106
Ad # 16106 Vertical Bed Mills
Year = — Capacity = —
Make = Cincinnati State = Florida
Model = #4 Condition = Fair
  Price = sold
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Ad # 16103
Ad # 16103 Horizontal Mills
Year = — Capacity = 16 x 15" table
Make = Deber State = Florida
Model = HFU-180-M Condition = Good
  Price = sold
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Ad # 16105
Ad # 16105 Planer Mills
Year = — Capacity = 16ft travel
Make = Rockford State = Florida
Model = — Condition = Fair
  Price = sold
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Ad # 16102
Ad # 16102 Planer Mills
Year = 1943 Capacity = 6ft x 3ft table
Make = Rockford State = Florida
Model = OC openside Condition = Fair
  Price = sold
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Ad # 16104
Ad # 16104 Universal Mills (Horizontal / Vertical)
Year = — Capacity = —
Make = Sajo State = Florida
Model = UF-54 Condition = Good
  Price = sold
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Drilling, Tapping & Threading

We found 3 matching ads. Now displaying the remaining 3 ads.

Ad # 14250
Ad # 14250 Radial Drill Press
Year = 1941 Capacity = 9" diameter column, 3ft arm
Make = Cincinnati Bickford State = Florida
Model = — Condition = Good
  Price = 1795 reduced
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Ad # 16095
Ad # 16095 Radial Drill Press
Year = — Capacity = 3ft arm
Make = jet State = Florida
Model = JRD-980 Condition = Good
  Price = SOLD
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Ad # 16096
Ad # 16096 Single Spindle Drill Press
Year = — Capacity = 44 x 25 table
Make = Allen State = Florida
Model = — Condition = Good
  Price = sold
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Sawing Equipment

We found 1 matching ad. Now displaying the final ad.

Ad # 16098
Ad # 16098 Horizontal Band Saws
Year = 80s? Capacity = 12 x 13"
Make = Do All State = Florida
Model = C-1213M Condition = Good
  Price = 2495.00
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Grinding Machinery

We found 4 matching ads. Now displaying the remaining 4 ads.

Ad # 16109
Ad # 16109 Surface Grinders
Year = — Capacity = 6 x 12"
Make = Boyer shultz State = Florida
Model = H612 Condition = Good
  Price = 1495.00
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Ad # 16097
Ad # 16097 Tool & Cutter Grinders
Year = 1974 Capacity = —
Make = cincinatti State = Florida
Model = 2MT monoset Condition = Good
  Price = 3995.00
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Ad # 16094
Ad # 16094 Cylindrical Grinders (O.D. & I.D.)
Year = — Capacity = 10 x 20 universal
Make = Landis State = Florida
Model = 10 x 20/ 1R Condition = Good
  Price = 2495.00 reduced
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Ad # 16099
Ad # 16099 Surface Grinders
Year = — Capacity = 6ft travel
Make = Rodgers State = Florida
Model = — Condition = Good
  Price = 2995.00
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EDM (Electro-Discharge Machines)

We found 1 matching ad. Now displaying the final ad.

Ad # 14262
Ad # 14262 Tap & Metal Disintegrators
Year = — Capacity = 60 AMPS, 3/4" Tap
Make = Uni-Tek State = Florida
Model = 300 SG Condition = Fair
  Price = sold
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Miscellaneous Metalworking

We found 1 matching ad. Now displaying the final ad.

Ad # 16110
Ad # 16110 Miscellaneous / Other
Year = — Capacity = machine tool scraping acc
Make = Iplex fx State = Florida
Model = fx Condition = Good
  Price = sold
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Welding Equipment

We found 1 matching ad. Now displaying the final ad.

Ad # 16108
Ad # 16108 Misc. Welding Equip. / Acc
Year = — Capacity = rotary welding tube fixture
Make = custom State = Florida
Model = — Condition = Good
  Price = 1795.00
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Inspection Equipment

We found 1 matching ad. Now displaying the final ad.

Ad # 16100
Ad # 16100 Surface Plates
Year = — Capacity = 5ft x 30"
Make = custom State = Florida
Model = 5ft x 30" Condition = Good
  Price = 3795.00
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